Day 13

Thursday, January 13

Left: 55mm, 1/40s, f/5.6, ISO 1600  - Right: 20mm, 1/100s, f/3.5, ISO 1600
Aiden studying my photography books

So, I downloaded a trial of photoshop elements 9. I opened it up today, and I get frustrated immediately because I have no idea what I am doing! Where do I start? I liked lightroom because there were all the preset actions, and I didn't have to understand it all... haha. I know I need to learn, but I am overwhelmed. Suggestions?

(Oh, and p.s. I shot the photos this morning in my living room with horrible light so I had a floor lamp angled at Aiden. I decided to improvise to avoid the flash, lol. How do you like to light indoor photos? Lots of questions today... I think that means I am ready to start learning again! =D) 


  1. Great photos! I love the lighting on his sweet face.
    I'm sorry, I don't know anything about Lightroom. I have PSE7 that I purchased from Costco. That's all I use.

  2. Branson, I think your improvised lighting turned out really well! My way of lighting a room has been to just turn on any light I could find, but that probably isn't the best way to do it:)

    Looks like you may have a budding photographer on your hands:)

  3. I though it was light from a window, good work! It has a tad of yellow to it but that's normal for that kind of lighting. You can take that out in editing. Go to this link This is a action of PSE on a pretty basic edit. Go here to learn to install it and where to find it within PSE. This last site is amazing too, so many tutorials on PSE it'll blow your socks off! Haha Then just play with it. Turn the layers off and on and change the opacity. I started learning with actions and now am moving to how to edit pictures myself, so I would possibly recommend that to ease your stress. :) If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help. :)

  4. I love it, you did really well without the flash. I have Photoshop and it took me a looooong time to learn a few things. It sure is more complicated than lightroom but it's definitely more flexible.

  5. I think these are beautiful! One thing I've been doing is taking the FREE skinnyminiecourse through Kim Klassen cafe. It's in the process right now, but you can watch the tutorials at your own pace. She starts out so basic, I love it! And it's FREE!! ;)
    Click on skinnyminiecourse

  6. I also don't know anything about Lightroom. I use PSE7 from Costco too. LOL. But the little I do know, I learned on She has a few editing classes. I also took the Candice Stringham photography classes on the same website. Awesome classes!

    I love that bottom picture! I love his expression!

  7. I'm still learning too, but I think the lighting looks great especially for improv.

  8. He has beautiful blue eyes! I think you did a pretty darn good job with the lamp. I usually make my kids play in good light haha! Near a window.

  9. So sweet! I think these are great! I have an external flash that I tend to use all the time - indoor & outdoor. But I will usually pull all the curtains/blinds and coax my kids into as much natural light as possible. As for PSE... I started out using PSE 8 and learned by just clicking around. Like you, I was completely overwhelmed. But there are lots of great tutorials out there that will also help get you familiar with some of its bells & whistles. And be sure to ask questions!!!

  10. I am clueless to know much but I love the photo's!! I like how the light is on his face and darker behind.

  11. I use PSE 7, but also feel like I don't REALLY know how to use it, as I mostly rely on actions. My favorites are from Pioneer Woman and Coffeeshop.
    I'm clueless on how to go flash-less, but I'm TRYING. I would say you did a really nice job in your pics. I try to position myself near a window or turn on lights.

  12. Good luck with PSE! I struggled with PSE 8 but LOVE Lightroom as well! I'm sorry for your confusion about my blogs but I'm glad you found my new project :O)

  13. I started out with PSE before moving on to PS. There are tons of things on You tube that you can watch and will help you. Plus there are a lot of actions for elements. Good luck!

    PS I hated lightroom. I could never figure it out so I moved on to photoshop. If you can do light room I think elements will end up being easy for you :)

  14. About the light. I never use a flash, on camera or off. I am a natural light girl so I just pull the kids in front of whatever window works at that moment and snap away.

  15. Editing photos is definitely my favorite! I have PS but I know The Pioneer Woman has free actions for PSE & also check Don't give up on it! :)

    Following from Friendly Friday.


  16. I've got a lot of learning to do with my camera (and Photoshop as well). I love the lighting in your photos, then again he'd be adorable in the dark. :)

    Stopping by to follow you from Fab Friends Friday. Love your blog and hope you'll stop by and say hi to me at:

    I'd love for you to follow me back. I can't wait to read some of your older posts. Have a great weekend!

    Adelaide@ Norwegian Phoenix

  17. He's adorable! Looks like you did a good job with the lighting! I've done that before, too! I've even used a little penlight for certain things, and a desk lamp! Wal Mart has some great natural light light bulbs that help, too.


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