Day 31

Monday, January 31

20mm, f/4.0, 1/3s, ISO 800
Today I started a fitness challenge with a bloggy friend on my Reflection of Something blog. I feel seriously awesome after tonight's workout... a 1 mile cardio walk and one of the 10 minute solutions dance routines. Now if you ever want a good ab workout, watch me do that dance routine... the laughter will have your stomach muscles hurting! LOL! But it is fun, and if the hubbs watched me he did it sneaky enough that I didn't notice. I love exercise DVDs, and this is part of my collection. You will notice some of my old VHS as well... I can't give up my hula and bellydance tapes! I suppose one of these days I will have to find them on dvd.

As far as the actual photo goes, I initially thought it would be a fun one to play with texture, but ended up doing an all-over, low opacity urban grit action instead. I am still stuck with my mobile broadband for the moment, and it just is not fast enough for me to browse textures. This mama's got things to do! =)

If you are interested in linking up for the fitness challenge, be sure to let me know too so I can follow along! I looove the new widget I added to track my workouts over on my blog. Fun stuff!


  1. Good luck to you! I need to get on it, too!!

  2. Oh, I like the texture you added. Really neat composition too!! Good luck with it all!!

  3. Nice photo. I like the texture. I busted out my pilates videos yesterday!

  4. So we need to be workout buddies. I literally just downloaded this GPS app to my iphone and started power walking yesterday. I beat my mile time today by three minutes. Please help be my cheerleader! Haha

  5. I am in a fitness challenge too - you look like your doing better though! I love you shot :-)

  6. Oh my!! This screams pain for me :) More so because it is something that I am needing to do and wanting to, but just haven't :) Cool photo!!


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