Day 33

Wednesday, February 2

45mm, 1/80s, f/5.3, ISO 200

Joy of Love - Day 2: How they Look

It is Wednesday, which means dinner with the family. As usual we got to Mom's right as the sun was setting, so I told my niece to hurry up and get her jacket on and I am not kidding when I say she stood in the last spot of sun left in the yard! Of course her attention span is zero, and so after I took a "normal" photo she wanted to make goofy faces and eat snow. Oh, and look at every single photo after I snapped it of course! My goal next week is to go to Mom's early so I can torture entertain the kids with my camera while we still have light!

Oh! And p.s. so the email about day two included pointers on position... getting down to the subject's level. I have always done this, but just for fun here is a pointer: If you are photographing a naughty energetic child in the snow and you are wearing a short jacket make sure they aren't behind you when you are squatting down or you may get a snowball down your pants. ;-)


  1. Oh ahhahahaha what a character she is!! They look great though wouldn't even know what time of day it was (re lighting etc) Great job!

  2. Awesome shots! The lighting is terrific!! My daughter looks like that every time we go out in the snow too :)

  3. She is too cute! Girls are so fun to photograph! Fabulous shots!

  4. These are too cute! I think the lighting is fabulous! Way to go for working on your feet (even with snow in your pants) and getting those shots in so quickly...I need to work on being faster and yet still good! ;)

  5. LOVE that snow down the pants!! That is too funny. What a little stinker.

  6. Beautiful portraits. The light is perfect.


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