2 Years Already?!

Friday, May 25

Today is Aiden's birthday! I still cannot even begin to believe that he is two years old! I have been so emotional this week! Today I am running around getting things ready for his dinosaur bash on Sunday (just a little family party, but I might have gotten a little excited and jazzed it up... getting ready to paint melons as dino eggs and make molten lava cakes!!) and knew I wasn't going to have time to blog, so I seriously got all weepy when I opened an email from one of the sweetest gals I know and found these:

Stephanie is just the best, and the fact that she took the time to whip up a little graphic design love with some photos off my blog is just the perfect icing on the cake for this special day! (I can't resist mentioning her etsy shop where she can make fabulous things for you as well!!)

So anyways, I am off to get things dino-tastic!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!


  1. This makes me so happy! Enjoy that birthday boy this weekend!

  2. aww how sweet of her! And happy belated birthday to A! Hope it was a great day!

  3. Hope he had a wonderful, fun birthday!

  4. What a fantastic surprise from Stephanie. I love the party hats.

  5. super fun, super silly. as a birthday should be. love to you!!!

  6. happy belated birthday aiden!!! he is such a handsome little guy!


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