So, the weather is changing and fall is in the air... and I miss blogging! I had a feeling this would happen! Is anyone else as influenced by weather as I am? Like, I can't bring myself to do anything too productive during the summer, but then in the past week I have been on an organizing bender and working nonstop on getting life put back in order. Of course living in Nebraska the weather changes in a moment... it has been hot again the past couple days but I am still feeling the fall fever. So anyhow, I definitely have started missing blogging. I am just not sure what to blog about these days. I feel like most of my faithful readers switched to keeping up with me on Instagram, but for those of you who are not IG addicts, here is what I have been up to real quick:
- I am having fun providing a little more structure for bubs in the learning department. I am still a big believer in play-based learning, but I am trying to provide different things for him to explore each day. This means a lot of time on pinterest, and getting ideas from Amber (my go-to gal for toddler activities!). It is exciting how fast he learns, but it also wears me out trying to keep up sometimes!
- On a similar note, I am currently reading Einstein Never Used Flashcards. I like this one even better than The Power of Play! Both are great, and reinforce my natural instincts to avoid any "formal" education at this age.
- I am currently starting a heavy lifting program for my workouts. It is called The New Rules of Lifting for Women, and it is intense. I love it already, and looking ahead at what I will be doing by the end is crazy! My little sister has always been the strong one, so I told her at the end of this 6-month program we will have a little competition. Of course she is a firefighter, and really is freakishly strong, so she will probably win, but it is fun.
- We are eating cleaner than ever. I can't remember how long it has been since I quit drinking diet soda, but it has been months and I still think that was an awesome change. We have pretty much eliminated artificial sweeteners, and I have convinced myself to like greek yogurt. That may sound funny, but seriously... that is a sign of real commitment, lol. Still working on replacing some processed foods (like rice-a-roni... we are addicted, lol) but my goal has never been perfection with this.
- We are getting ready to start leading an in-home program for a group of High School students for church. The program is called Godparents. We will have the same group for the next 4 years (all through High School) and they will come to our house every Wed night for Bible study and fellowship. The volunteer director dropped off our manual the other day... the thing is HUGE! I love that they have so much put together for us, though! The program has been around since my Senior year in HS so it is well established but also open to us adding our own activities and studies. Just so excited about this!
- Next month will also start 2-year-old Sunday School for bubs. We go with him and it is done family style. I can't wait! Then a little later in the month the women's Bible study will start back up on Saturday mornings, and we are doing the Beth Moore study on James. I was seriously jumping for joy when I heard that, lol. Excited!
- Last but not least, I am leading a group for the fall session of Good Morning Girls, the online Bible study I do for my quiet time each day. I can't say enough about how much having a solid quiet time each day has changed my life. I am more centered, I have more confidence studying God's word, I feel like I have purpose and direction. Plus I just enjoy being quiet and still and spending that time with my Heavenly Father!
So anyways, obviously my blogging skills are beyond rusty, but it is good to just sit down and catch up a bit. Sometimes I don't realize how much I have going on until I sit down and write it out. It is so easy to feel like life is passing me by sometimes as a stay-at-home mom. Like I do the same thing every day... over and over and over. Cook, clean, change diapers, do laundry, listen to tantrums, repeat. When I take the time to really be present and focus on the fruits of my labor, though, I have a pretty fantastic job right now. I wouldn't trade this life for anything... no matter how tight money gets sometimes, or how exhausted I am, or how many people refer to me as "just a mom"... this is exactly where I want to be. Not only that, but this is exactly where God wants me to be, and of course He always knows best!
You're BAAAAACK!!! Yay! Happy Dance! What a fun post, you look gorgeous in that shot of you. Loved reading all about your recent happenings and soon to be happenigns. I agree with fall, you feel a push to be blogging. Summer is the time to get out and play and when you move inside, blogging is always calling your name. :) Glad to see you're back.
ReplyDeleteI really love following you on instagram. I also wanted to say I find you and your devotion to your faith very inspirational. And your organization... I really need to pick up on these!!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on IG, but I am not on it very much.
ReplyDeleteI have missed you and am happy to see how well you are doing. You look amazing. I am so proud of you!!
This is a really encouraging post! I'm trying to do a lot of the same things and it's good to see the progress you're making. Like I want to eat cleaner, be more structured with teaching the kid's, get stronger with weightlifting… I'm really good with running but weightlifting stinks! Ha ha. And a huge one for me is that I really want to start getting up before the kiddos get up and have my quiet time. I usually let them wake me up and Its just really such a stressful way to start our day. I know it's not the way that should be and really want to do better with this.
ReplyDeleteI'm late on commenting...but I am so glad to see a post from you :) Great update, and so glad you are doing well!