Faith and Fellowship

Friday, November 13

I am so excited to be hosting the Faith and Fellowship blog hop this week. This hop is hosted by a super sweet blogger, Susannah, who I met through an awesome project she does each month called Solidarity Sisters. I love the focus of this link-up, and as I try to move in a more cohesive faith-centered direction with my own blog I value finding other bloggers who inspire me! I look forward to reading your excellent posts this week!

The Faith and Fellowship Blog Hop is a chance for Christian Bloggers to share posts and get to know one another.  This is a place of encouragement and love, a place of community and fellowship.  Link up, visit other bloggers, and celebrate the family of Christ!

Faith and Fellowship Guidelines

1.  Link up a post (not just the link to your blog) from the week that shares what the Lord's been doing in your life or speaking to you.
2.  Put the button on your blog post or blog so that others can hear about this wonderful group of Godly women.
3.  Visit as many blogs as you're able and get to know your sisters in Christ!

Simple Moments Stick


Your Host: Susannah from Simple Moments Stick



1-jan 25

My Reflection of Something is a blog about faith, family and everyday life. Author Branson Merrill is a wife, mama, home educator and volunteer youth ministry worker. She can almost always be found with a camera handy. She believes in the power of being genuine, and in building relationships around our shared need of God's saving grace.


Last Week's Most Viewed Post:
Faith and Fellowship - Fighting
Purposeful and Meaningful


Susannah's Blog Post Pick:

Faith and Fellowship - Let There Be


Branson's Blog Post Pick

Faith and Fellowship - Tara


If you'd like to cohost in the future, please email Susannah at susannah.kellogg (at)

1 comment :

  1. Hey Branson! Thanks for sharing this linkup over at The Christian Women's Blog Group. We've linked up.:-)


    Carrie & Chanda


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Your support and encouragement are priceless!
