From Fitbit Friends to Snapchat Silliness {10 things that made me happy this week}

Friday, December 2

Last week was such an adventure with my family in town that this week has been rough. I have been in a bit of a funk, and I just can't seem to find a rhythm. Blogging more lately has been good for me, and every time I jump back in I realize how much I need the time to sit and just think and write and focus on something that is my own. I used to love doing the 10 things that made me happy this week posts, so I thought I would jump back into that this week! When I am in a funk it always helps to stop and think about the good stuff in my life! So, let's see here...

1. My siblings joining fitbit! There was a point in time when fitbit really worked for me, but between lost devices and life's changing seasons I had lost any drive to be active. This week I have been killing it because I now have a super fun and competitive challenge group again! I am hoping this new energy last for a long, long time because I am already feeling better!

2. Mornings with Matt - We are continuing to make time (almost) every morning to pray together before the day begins and it has been so, so good. It is even getting easier for me to get up super early. I used to be lucky to be ready by 7 when my daycare baby arrived, and now I am up before 5:30 and more or less coherent enough to have quality time by then. Ha!

3. Speaking of daycare, I didn't have my daycare cutie last week, and I missed her! She brings so many smiles to our days, and an extra dose of snuggles too. She definitely made me happy this week. 

4. New books to read always makes me happy!! I got some great ones from the CPH Thanksgiving sale, and I can't wait to dive in to them. Of course the fitbitting is cutting in to the reading... I wish I liked audio books more because that would be a great solution! But if I am going to read I need to be able to highlight and write and reflect... so I am just going to work on making more time to read daily!

5. Last night Aiden took a stack of paper and set up his "office" where he said his job was to give people money from his piggy bank and write reports. He then brought me a paper of his contact information with a web address and twitter handle for his office, along with a warning sign that said "Do Not Send Joke Emails." I thought I would die laughing on the inside. Of course I was all business on the outside... you gotta take him seriously when he gets into these characters! This kid always makes me happy!

6. Hiland Dairy Mocha Iced Coffee most definitely makes me happy. I am working with them on a sponsored campaign right now, and I am totally hooked on this stuff. I used it to create a recipe (which I posted here) but I have also been drinking it every day. I have been mixing 1/3 coffee, 1/3 Hiland mocha iced coffee & 1/3 Hiland vanilla almond milk. Perfection!

7. I joined a instagram Bible study group for Advent, and it is such a blessing to be studying again with some of my favorite people! I have been flying solo for quite a while now, and I had forgotten how much I love having a group of sisters in Christ as part of my morning time! 

8. My sisters convinced me to download snapchat again, and I have laughed so much this week. They are such nuts, and I have to admit that it is a fun way to keep in tough. So much silliness! 

9. Bob Ross on Netflix and how much Aiden loves it... his sense of wonder is contagious!

10. Being given opportunities to be God's hands and feet for people He has placed in our life. As I continue to struggle with loneliness and isolation, I am being taught that it is still important to reach out in love and look for opportunities to connect and serve. 

What made YOU happy this week? I would love to hear about it! 


  1. Awww, loved having you join us this week <3 Your list is beautiful. And I have also been meaning to get more active on Snapchat lately--it's SO much fun and you can really lose all sense of time with those filters, eh? Also great that you have your sisters as Fitbit buddies! I have one, too, but always feel conflicted with it. I don't always like to know how I measure up against other people in my life which I realize might sound weird but I'd prefer to set goals and motivate myself to complete them (though I totally get the "motivation from friends' mindset). Anyway, hope you have a great weekend! XOXO

    1. I get the conflict about the challenges! I used to have to take breaks... but I also realized that when no one was "watching" I didn't try as hard, ha! I am not so great at motivating myself!! Have a great weekend!

    2. You're absolutely right. I think at the end of the day we have to do what works best for us. That said, I always feel SO guilty when I have a really bad Fitbit week... so maybe it is motivating me to work a bit harder to reach those 10K steps a day!

      Have a great week, Branson!

  2. Haha i didn't know bob ross was on netflix! thank you!! Haha sounds like a good week!

    Rachel | The Confused Millennial

  3. I saw CPH and thought, "That can't be!" but I checked your bio and it says you're an LCMS youth volunteer. I work at an LCMS church and school. :)

    Snapchat is so much fun! I love it just as a tool to keep in touch with family and friends, but I also love watching Snapchat stories.

  4. I still haven't tried snapchat, but those filters look like so much fun. Netflix has such great shows for curious kids, and my oldest always finds something interesting too.

  5. Love your snapchat photos. They are adorable!

  6. Funny you should mention Bob Ross; he came up in quite a few of our Thanksgiving conversations too!

  7. Such a fun list! Its amazing you have found your tribe now, go you and go Fitbit, good luck!
    xx, Kusum |

  8. Welcome Branson and glad to have you back and see you again after all this time. :) I always practice gratitude and noting the things I'm grateful for each week but I've especially found in times where you're feeling like you're kinda in a funk, it's much more therapeutic and also eye opening. I hope you're feeling a bit more like yourself and better this week.
    Here's to another week full of gratitude and happiness.
    Cheers, Brandon.

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