Chapter 3 - A Week to Regroup
After week 2's false start, I was ready for a more "normal" week. Instead, I got an ice storm. It wasn't anything compared to the ice storm we weathered in Missouri the year we moved into our house there, but it was enough to make going anywhere out of the question. Matt didn't even go to work on Monday. Our daycare baby didn't come until Wednesday. Things were far from "normal" but I think that was for the best in many ways.
After trying to rush into things the previous week, it was not such a bad thing to have a week to kind of regroup. It's funny... I guess I am writing this post later than usual, but I feel like last Monday was at least a month ago! The week was kind of blur, but the day that stands out the most for me was Thursday. Thursday we had our other little daycare buddy back for the first time in 2017. We also had my great-nephew who was, at that time, one week from his first birthday. Add in a speech therapist and then a nice visit from my niece and it was quite a day!
I loved getting to reconnect with my great-nephew. We cared for him a lot when he was just a tiny baby, but it had been a few months since he had been here for anything other than a holiday. He has gotten so big, and is such a little buddy! He took a bit to warm up to me after an extended absence, but once he did we were besties again! Mom and Brodie (the college-age nephew who lives with us) came up for a while, and it was just a fun, fun day!
I love seeing Aiden with these babies in our life. He is growing to be such a sweet boy who genuinely loves these little ones. It isn't always easy for him to be patient, and he can get that only-child bossy thing going, but he is a great help and it is a joy to see him with them.
This weekend was spent catching up on planning for homeschool, working on our nutrition goals, and just enjoying a little downtime as well. I am realizing that, for our family, it may be more fitting to work toward a Saturday Sabbath, and so that has kind of directed my planning a bit as well. Regardless of the day, it is still a current goal for me to get to a place where we can fully set aside a day to rest and connect with God and with each other.
Writing this late means that I am already part way into the new week, and I am excited about how week 4 is shaping up. I guess we will see if it continues to benefit from the work done to prepare! Until then... here are my photos for Week 3:
As much as I HATE ice storms I do love how pretty and sparkly they make the trees and everything.