Day 22

Saturday, January 22

Motorola DroidX, Camera360 app, LOMO Film setting
I was initially doing Smartphoneology over on my main blog, but it fits right in here so I thought I would save myself a step! =) The only real rule is all editing must be done on the phone itself, and let us know what apps you use so we can try them out too! Courtney over at One Mom's Perfect Imperfection just started this a few weeks ago, and I think it would be cool if some of y'all joined in! =) Be sure to let me know if you do!

And they are still looking into why my comment link is not showing up... click the post title to get to a page where you can leave a comment. Hope it will be fixed soon! =) Or if one of you knows the answer, please share because I am very impatient and hate waiting for tech support, lol.
