Day 53

Tuesday, February 22

Dreaming of Spring Weather!
Okay, so this whole photo challenge thing makes me nervous! I feel like I am trying to play with the cool kids when I am just a wanna-be! Haha. But I am going to do it, because those "cool kids" have a lot to teach me, and can hopefully inspire me to really go for it every day! So, here is my photo for the Simplicity Photography Challenge, with the prompt being "Weather". Taken in my back yard while rolling around on the freezing ground! We definitely do not have spring weather here right now! Critique away (and, as always, that goes for all my posts!)


  1. This photo is simply beautiful. I love the sun rays and especially the striped umbrella!!


  2. The sun flare is beautiful! This is exactly how I learned - just jumped into whatever challenges I could with both feet. You'll be glad you did! Great shot!

  3. Your photo is making me dream of spring weather too! Way to go with joining the challenge and the picture rocks!

  4. great work this is beautiful

  5. I like it! Great job!

  6. Oh, so cool!! I like the sunflare, but it might be more pronounced or defined, if you leveled out a little bit...although, that would totally ruin your cool angle on the umbrella!! ;)

  7. Such a neat photo!! Love the sunflare!

  8. Quite frankly, I think you are already one of the "cool kids" and it's so cute that you don't even realize it. :)

  9. I really like it! Sun flare is great!

  10. It is a great photo. If I had to critique anything it would be to define the sun flare a bit more, as Chelsea said. But it is awesome, and great for you challenging yourself and rolling around on the freezing ground :)

  11. Hello
    I think you did a great job on this photo challenge. Great idea with the umbrella!!! LOVE the sunburst and the flare in the photo!!!
    Have a good one!!!

  12. I totally know what you're saying about playing with the big kids when you're just a wanna-be - I feel the same way:)

    Nice job working into the sun!


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