Leaves and Laughter... Happy Fall!

Monday, October 22

Yesterday we got a lovely warm day after some dreary, cold, very windy weather... we definitely had to get out and take advantage of it! We headed over to my mom's house, and ended up having some good, old-fashioned fun in the fall leaves. Matt and my brother raked and bagged (that part wasn't exactly "fun" for them, but you know...) and A jumped in piles and spread it all back out. I, of course, sat on the steps snapping photos. Every time the season changes I miss my "big girl" camera, but then I remind myself what a blessing it is to have a camera at all.

Yep, we can cross playing in the leaves off our fall bucket list! Happy fall, y'all! :)


  1. We've had awesome weather here too! And my goodness...your little guy is ridiculously cute. :)

  2. Oh my goodness........A looks so grown up in the first photo.


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