Online Resources for Bible Study & Quiet Time

Monday, November 16

There are many resources available to help us study and worship during our quiet times. I love to look at new resources, but there are a few that I always fall back on. In this post, I am sharing my 5 favorite online resources to use to bring different elements of worship and understanding to my time each morning.
5 favorite online resources to use to bring different elements of worship and understanding to quiet time and Bible study

1. Blue Letter Bible - Without a doubt, this is my favorite resource to aid me in my study of God's Word. When I first started digging in to Scripture on my own, I never really imagined I would develop a desire to look at the original Greek and Hebrew language used by the men who brought God's word to us through the work of the Holy Spirit. However, I have found it to be a beautiful way to connect with God and really gain understanding. (And they also have an app now, which is awesome!)

2. HelloMornings - There are several great ways to get connected wit a group of women to find accountability and encouragement in studying the Word. HelloMornings is the community I am currently a part of. They offer guided Bible studies and challenge groups for 6-week session. While I am not currently using their study, I am part of a challenge group and I really value that fellowship with sisters in Christ.

3. YouTube or Spotify - There is a reason music has been used since the very beginning to both instruct us and express our worship. It is one way I find myself reaching out to my Heavenly Father when my own words and understanding fail. We are blessed to have access to an incredible generation of Christian musicians. Those links are to my quiet time playlist on each site. I love that YouTube provides more live/acoustic options. I am all about acoustic lately.

4. YouVersion - I primarily use this through their app, but the website is also an option. I like being able to compare translations as I study. I am partial to my NIV84 translation, which is no longer offered online, so I need my paper Bible as well, but there is definitely something to be gained from comparing the different ways the same verse has been translated. And of course it is always good to have a bible handy wherever I am!

5. Praying in Color - There are a lot of resources available right now for bringing art into Bible study. This was the site that really got me interested in the idea. While I don't really use the site on a regular basis, I do go back to access their handouts to print new grids and sometimes find inspiation. This is all based on a book that I haven't read, ha! I keep thinking I should someday, but it never makes it to the top of my list.

5 favorite online resources to use to bring different elements of worship and understanding to quiet time and Bible study

What websites and resources are your favorites for Bible study and quiet time? I would love to find some new ones! Feel free to share here in the comments, or come find me on social media!


  1. Oh wow! Thanks so much for these sources!!! I love finding new things that help me in my walk with the Lord! <3

  2. I have never heard of Blue Letter Bible!!! I am going to check it out now!

  3. I'd never heard of some of these before. Blue Letter Bible definitely sounds like something that I would use!

  4. Awesome, i will have to look into these! :D

  5. That is so awesome! I use many of these same resources when I'm doing Bible Study! :D I will definitely have to check out this Blue Letter Bible. :)

  6. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. I am really interested in praying in color! Something I recently have been trying is being still before God, taking time to meditate as well as speak. I think something like coloring and praying would be helpful!

  7. Thanks for sharing! I haven't heard of HelloMornings before, I'm going to check them out!

  8. Thank you for these wonderful resources. I have trouble with the balance of quiet time as far as using online resources or just staying in my reading room with nothing other than my cup of tea and my bible in hand. One with actual pages to turn. I love getting more from online as well. Have a wonderful week!

  9. Wonderful list. Thank you for the inspiration!

  10. Thank you for these resources found them really useful.god bless :)

  11. I haven't heard of most of these - thanks! I'm definitely going to look into them.

  12. we use blue letter bible all the time. I haven't ever heard of Good Morning, so I may look into that. Great resource list.

  13. I LOVE HelloMornings. We're part of the same IG group!!! :D

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