2017 - Chapter 4/52

Monday, January 30

Chapter 4 - The week we made Sabbath a priority

Strangely, I am not feeling particularly wordy today. Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning, but I am just kinda enjoying the quite and trying to figure out what this day is going to look like. Sometimes that makes it hard to focus on the past week. However, if I don't write this now I might very well not have time to later. 

This last full week of January was a pretty good one. As always, there were highs and lows. I would say one of the overall lows was that I spent way too much time online. Matt and I have decided that I will no longer be doing sponsored blogging work. That is a post for another day, but knowing that these two campaigns I am wrapping up will be my last, I wanted to finish strong. As a result, I overdid it on the time spent at the computer, and it showed in other areas of my life. I am not going to dwell on it, but I do hope I can learn something from it.

Among the highs were that I finally hit my step goal for several days in a row. It has been way too long since that has happened. The fact that I was able to do it even while I was having too much screen time is a big reminder that there really are no excuses. Well, outside of illness and injury anyhow. It also helps that there have been some great new episodes of my favorite podcasts lately. I am sticking with not listening unless I am up and moving, so that is a good motivator. 

Going into the weekend, I knew that I needed to step it up in other ways if we were going to have the full day of Sabbath we were hoping for. I shared on instagram how we are realizing that Sunday is just not the right day for our family to really find Sabbath rest. We have decided to focus on Saturday instead, and this meant lots of prep work before the weekend arrived. I am not going to sugarcoat it... Friday evening was rough. It is going to take a while to find a good routine. However, Saturday was definitely a treat for all of us. There was time to play, nap, snuggle, read, pray, enjoy quiet moments... all things that left me feeling more refreshed than I have in a long time. This is another topic I hope to write more about later. 

Other highlights from the week were trying some new recipes, catching up with a dear friend via google chat, getting the new little small group online book club I am doing with some friends started, homeschool successes and making journaling a bigger part of my devotional time again. Maybe that last item is why I don't have as many words today. (I know... there doesn't really seem to be a shortage of words here... you will just have to take my word for it, ha!) It is good to sit down and write and process all of what I have been learning lately. So often I put off the processing part for later. If you had access to my email you would see how I email random thoughts to myself all the time to ponder "when I have time." I am being reminded that it doesn't work that way... there will never be enough time. It is up to me to commit the time to what I truly find important. You know, instead of netflix. *sigh*

Anyhow, that is week 4 in a nutshell. A bit subdued, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Here's to a new week, and within that week the beginning of a new month! 2017 is moving right along!

What were the highlights of YOUR week this week? I would love to hear about them!


  1. Love that first photo! Such a cute picture! Also, I think it's important to find a day to rest, regardless of what day of the week it is. :)

  2. Beautiful photos. I agree with Cara, its important to find one day to rest. we all need to reset our battery. xx

  3. My highlight was finally re-painting our living room after 13 years! I just keep sitting here thinking I LOVE THIS!! The color is perfect and I'm exciting to plan a few more finishing touches.


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